Quadrantid Meteor Shower Peak- Jan 3The Quadrantids meteor shower will peak around midnight of Jan 3 or early morning of Jan 4. Quadrantids are above average showers with up to 40 meteors per hour at their peak.
New Moon - Jan 11
The Moon will be located on the same side of Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 11:59 UTC.
Saturn and Moon - Jan 13On two nights, the waxing crescent moon and the iconic, ringed planet will be very close to each other in the sky. On the evening of Jan 13, the moon will appear above Saturn and on the next night, Saturn will be on top
Jupiter and Moon - Jan 17With the moon in a waxing gibbous phase, Jupiter will sit to the left of earth’s natural satellite on Jan 17 and below it on Jan 18. The bright gas giant will be visible throughout the month, rising in the southeastern sky at its onset.
Gamma-Ursae Minorids Meteor Shower Peak - Jan 19The second meteor shower of January, the Gamma-Ursae Minorids, may produce only three meteors per hour. The radiant point in the sky is the constellation Ursa Minor, which is the smaller celestial bear that contains the Little Dipper.
Comet 144P/Kushida’s Closest Point to Sun - Jan 25The Comet 144P/Kushida will make its closest approach to the sun on Jan 25. It is a short-period comet that takes just 7.6 years to orbit the sun, and this month it will be visible with the help of strong binoculars or a telescope.
Full Moon - Jan 25January’s full moon, the first of the year, is traditionally known as the ‘wolf moon’. On Jan 25, the completely illuminated moon will rise in the northeast around sunset and make a majestic appearance.