5 Properties of Acids and Bases |Can Acids and Bases be stored together?

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5 Properties of Acids and Bases
5 Properties of Acids and Bases

No, we can not store acids and bases together. If we hold them together, they will react. Before understanding the reaction of acids and bases together, let us first study what acids and bases are.

What are Acids?

Acids are those substances that are sour in taste. In other words, An acid is any hydrogen-containing substance that can easily donate a proton (hydrogen ion) to another substance.

What are Bases ?

Bases are those substances that taste bitter. In other words, A base is a substance that can accept a hydrogen ion from an acid.

Now, let’s discuss their properties. How do they react with other substances, and when they both mix, what type of chemical reaction takes place?

Properties of Acids:

  • Acids are corrosive.
  • They are good conductors of electricity.
  • Their pH values are less than 7
  • These are those substances that are sour.
  • When acids react with metals, they produce salt and hydrogen gas.

Properties of Bases:

  • Bases are bitter-tasting substances
  • They are good conductors of electricity in their aqueous solutions.
  • The pH values of bases are more significant than 7.
  • Bases on dissolving in water, release hydroxide ions (OH– ions).
  • Like Acids, when bases react with metals, they also produce salt and hydrogen gas.

Do you know what will happen if acids react with bases?

Reaction of acids and bases with each other:

When they react with each other, they will neutralize the effect of each other. In other words, they will cancel each other’s effect.

The reaction between acids and bases gives salt and water.

Do you know the name of this reaction? This type of reaction is known as neutralization reaction.

Now, you may know whether or not acids and bases are stored together.

I hope you enjoyed this post. And if you have any questions regarding this topic, please ask us in the comment section!

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Which two chemicals should not be stored together?

No two strong acids and bases can stored together.

Can acids and bases be transported together?


Why should acids and bases not be stored together?

Because they will react with each other, produce gas, and release heat.

What will happen when acids and bases are mixed?

They will neutralize each other’s effects.

Name the type of reaction that takes place when acid react with base.

Neutralization reaction.

What is neutralization reaction?

When acid react with base, it gives salt and water. This type of reaction is known as neutralization reaction.

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